Press for PFAS System

Press For Pfas System

In mid-August of 2022 the Wisconsin DNR approved the operation of Wisconsin’s first drinking water PFAS removal system. This triplex anion exchange system is part of WaterSurplus’s new PFAS Rapid Response rental fleet. The new treatment system will bring PFAS levels below the level of detection.

The new system is installed at Well Number 1 in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin, and is expected to operate for 2-3 years while a permanent treatment system is being designed and built. Well Number 1 had been offline for approximately 8 months. In March of 2023 the US EPA proposed the first national standard for PFAS levels in drinking water.

Several local news outlets have covered the groundbreaking new treatment system at its startup and at the announcement by the EPA of the new proposed standards.


EPA proposes PFAS levels standard for the first time ever

Rib Mountain first in the state to use PFAS removal treatment system


Rib Mountain installs PFAS filters, reopens well


PFAS Filtration System Installed at Rib Mountain Well One

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