Water Treatment
Service & Startup

Trusted Technicians & Quality Service

Our expert service engineers and trusted technicians are responsible for starting up, optimizing, maintaining, and repairing water treatment systems specific to your water treatment needs.

We utilize a large pool of diverse marketplace resources as well as our own highly available inventory of equipment, spare parts, membranes, and media, allowing us to respond quickly to unplanned shutdown or repair requirements.

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Our Service Solutions

Icons Equipment Commission

Equipment Commission

Our expert water treatment professionals will custom design, engineer, build or refabricate any primary and ancillary equipment for your desired application.

Icons System Optimization

System Optimization

From minimizing OPEX and CAPEX to reducing overall water footprint, our patented solutions can sustainably optimize a single system or an entire plant.

Icons Tankinspection

Tank Inspection

Our on-site service provider will inspect your tank to ensure it meets regulatory requirements and is free of any emerging contaminants, biofilm, and corrosion.

Icons Membrane Changeout

Membrane Element Change Out

Not only will we replace your old membranes, but we will often buy back and recycle those membranes. We also offer a patented fouling resilient membrane coating.

Icons Mediachangeout

Media Changeout

Our vast inventory of treatment media will ensure a reliable, expedient, and cost-effective solution to your old media. We also regenerate resin in any ionic form for your desired process.

Icons Pilot Management

Pilot Plants

Our pilot plants help validate our technologies to your application. We are committed to verifying our technologies for new plant construction or existing plant expansion.

Icons Repair

Trouble Shooting and Repair

Our water treatment technicians will troubleshoot, repair, and optimize your system. We will consult, verify, and test your system to ensure successful operation.

Icons Remote Monitoring

Remote Monitoring

Remote monitoring allows for real time performance tracking and control over various system inputs and variables. This trusted service allows for accurate communication between your plant and our team.

Icons Operator Training

Operator Training

Our seasoned water treatment professionals provide operator training for efficient operation, offline cleaning, system startup, and troubleshooting.

Speak with an Application Expert to see how we can help you optimize your water plant. Let's Talk

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The Water Surplus Philosophy

The recruiting of subject-matter experts to the ranks of WaterSurplus has driven our careful expansion over the decades and remains our key to success in the future. While satisfied customers frequently ask us to help them address ever more complex water treatment needs, we only proceed when we have the human capital in place and ready to go. Our collaborative and innovative business model only works because of the commitment of our team to find or develop optimal solutions to our customer’s needs.

Our Team

Customers tell us that the reason they keep coming back is that we deliver superior value with every project. From innovative treatment solutions to brand-agnostic supply recommendations and investment recovery, our subject-matter experts listen to the needs of our customers, probe for information that will help them make the strongest possible recommendation, and then trust our customers to make the right decision for their needs. With access to the top brands in the world, our own innovative solutions, and the widest selection of top-quality surplus equipment, our customers know that we will help them find the very best solution.


Advancing sustainability has been a core part of our philosophy at WaterSurplus since the beginning. Be that by pushing the boundaries of water recovery in reverse osmosis, developing systems that require significantly fewer antiscalant chemicals, recycling and/or refurbishing equipment, membrane elements, and resin, or licensing catalytic filtration media that require half the footprint of a traditional media system. Our expert team is continually seeking (and finding) value for our stakeholders while pursuing more sustainable processes.

